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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down



I like bright colours :) Like purple and yellow together. Or blue and orange :)

I hope my dreams come true because I have them all planned out
Hey! :)

I'm a weird kid.
And as you can see. I like to say hi.

Oh. And I love muse . Clearly



Turn back time.

October 2011
November 2011
December 2011


Layout Designer:

Thursday, December 29, 2011


i dont look happy in this picture o.o but i was what.. hahah


♥our lips must always be sealed
5:31 PM

my blogging is ridiculously on and off :P i have my maths homework laid out in front of me.. since.... long ago -.- see its bad to have your laptop in front of you! :/ 

haha my last blog post wasnt supposed to be my last 
i fell asleep waiting for the photos to upload, in the end i forgot to bring the memory card to class chalet. i brought the cam but NO MEMORY CARD! ridiculous MUCH!!
class chalet was a blast though :D

then that week & the week after was freaking busy~

cut my hair! then while trying to get a non retard looking picture to show my besties, i think im addicted to editing photos of myself -.-
and taking photos of my ugly face  ! D:


ahhahaha. ok lah i shall not be so -like that-. like you know when people keep saying they suck, even if they really do sometimes its annoying.

ehy its round alright. its called a face shape. 

so i dyed my hair red .
then i dyed it brown and its freaking nice can! ahem ahem . talking bout my hair not my faace ok~.

my hair makes me look like a chubby boy trying to be rebellious ):

it's refreshingly short though! :D haha i'm contemplating posting photos up here. i mean like no one reads my blog since its dead 90% of the time anw ~~ hehe.

hmm for the time being, lets just say it looks like sunny's hair.
smth like that~~

listening to the psl dance song for the 24th time. serious! itunes play count :P


and im so scared ! the last time teachers day at least could squeeze out some THING from the pressure.

i think this time no hope -.-

oh andwhat with everyone laughing at my hair/
no hope

and i feel stressed for no reason ):
cause i dunno
ITS PSL's dance . 

i guess thats why? dunno

ehy the song kinda funny :)


did i mention i'm going back to school tmr? i think i did -.- 

to see psl dance

aiyo my hair was supposed to not be seen till school reopen then surprise surprise haha not that anyone cares .

and right now i find it too short so it looks ): 

so im praying HARD that it rains tmr when im otw to school! :D
then i have a weird excuse to wear my hoodie


tmr they confirm laugh until i want to bury myself one T-T

feeling so bleh.

OH NOOO. supposed to finish my homework by tmr morning -.-

havent even finish the first question-.- omg i really cant focus.

i bet if this was lit or smth i'd be done.

ok bye. 
eh i waste a lot of space with my enters right.!?



♥our lips must always be sealed
5:10 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sigh-.- waiting for photos to finish uploading to continue blogging ! Taking forever manzzzzxxx. Just be ready for loads of unglam awkwardness. And me being vain as ever. ;) hahahah

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:02 PM

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Really no more mood to blog. hoho. but just gonna talk bout random shit that don't really matter.

hahhaha i swam with my mum today round and round the pool.
i think i've developed a phobia of hyperactive little boys


♥our lips must always be sealed
7:21 PM

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't wanna become sec 3.


♥our lips must always be sealed
2:27 PM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Looking back I realise how much I changed. Especially in sec school. Not excited bout being in different classes next year. 2/4 (slash 1/4) was the first class i felt comfortable in. Like walking in on the last day of school and going "Supp'" (even though no one was looking at me HAHA) . Or fooling around with elisa and going to the front of the class trying to see who can write out the whole class' names the fastest. In primary school I used to be so shy ( i think. cant really remember , but according to what I do remember, i was shy) , and going up to the front of the class was like HORRIBLY TERRIFYING. I mean sometimes it still is , but the point is, it feels completely different now. I mean , I would never have thought of doing anything near stupid anywhere in class, but now I'm like "heck lah~ BRING IT ON" when it comes to some slighty psychotic thing like writing names and names and names and laughing like a retard. or something like that. 

see this is why my english is bad. and my lit. and my chinese. I'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.

anyways, it just feels different now :)

ha. mushy .sorta.

Yay class chalet is like from 14-16~~ then next day grad night lolol. 

Today mdm sab was like "oh.. then don't you have to come to school for preparations and such?"(as in for grad night) and then i told her since theres olvls and such we cant even use the hall and she's like "good. then stay at home" and i was like "HAHAAH WHAT?!" (in my head duh)

but ah whatever~ i wont be staying at home anw~~

I'm just scared my body cant take it. 3days (k its like 1/2 , one full day, then 1/2 again but over a period of 3 days ) of outside (and most probably junk food and fast food) food , and 2 nights sleeping outside (not like we'll be sleeping yeah haha). 
and I have a weak stomach. so either I'll get diarrhea from eating all that awesome shit, or i'll fall sick from lack of sleep. and dude when i dont get my sleep i get really cranky. like really . really. really cranky.  

really looking forward to class chalet :) i need to chill man ~ just before grad night haha:) and i wanna get a tan! i swear man the feeling of being tan is just AWESOME. i feel like im burning but after that its like whoa. i like this . everyone keeps saying that im damn white. and i don't like white. as in being white. i can bet some person might call me racist -.- 

not really looking forward to cca chalet tho.. i dont know why. but it's like.. im more bonded with my class than my cca? maybe its cause there's like different levels and what not. I mean.. i don't know. i'm only close to like bev and joie. and joie is the quiet quiet type , and she doesnt come for cca much. which leaves me with bev ~ and.. kay maybe even if its like outing with bev/joie/both, i'd look forward to it even more than cca chalet.. haha shit this is such a public place , i might be dead if i post this, but , yeah honest opinions.

still probably going tho.  i dont know. but maybe if my friend wanna go out that day.. depending on the friend, i might put the friend first ha. ha. 

but i enjoy cca. today mdm sab started pmt off talking bout cca points and i was like "gawd.. no-.-" in my head. like c'mon i know i should care but i dont give a damn whether or not this cca will get me an a1 and yada yada yada. And so like almost every pmt with her, she asked me if i enjoy my cca and i was thinking "no no i dont enjoy it at all i just go for the sake of going even though i hate it and it gets me no points whatsoever and everyone thinks we're slack and it takes up my time but i still go for every cca" (sense the sarcasm please). and then my mum's like blah blah blah and blah blah anfeif owrgingt

And just now after dinner my dad said i'm too committed to my cca. haha.. k .
can't help it right, naturally if you like the thing you'll see it as an important thing right?

like if you like literature you'd still do the lit homework even though there';s a thick stack of physics waiting for you right? i mean before your brain comes in and like goes "YOU STUPID. the lit homework is due next week and your physics homework was due last month" and you're like "ugh fine i'll do physics" or something. but naturally you'd do what you like right?

i don't know. 

But the first and almost only homework i did the entire sept holiday was lit. even though anne ang already said that she wont mark it. hahha wth right?

anyway where was i.

haha cca just the day before my bro's birthday. 

i'm thinking of making something edible for his birthday.  i never gave him any presents since... damn long ago when i bought him some thingy which now collects dust above my toilet door (cause mine is the sliding kind) with some m&m collectibles, a ribena toy thingy, a pooh bear, and his sec school trophies and medals. 

then i started off with pancakes.. then i realise .. wait i make that even when its not his birthday so.. IT SHOULD BE SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING RIGHT? so cake. wait. we have no proper working oven (the only oven in my house short-circuits the whole unit in less than 10min . so steamed cake! then i found a simple steamed banana cake recipe. cant wait to try it out. i think my plan will fail cause i procrastinate all the time and im afraid to even turn on the bloody stove hohoho.

mdm sab called me a "carefree, laid back" person. and yadah yadah yadah. that kind of person. like you know me, if i hate physics i dont give a shit bout it. that kind of person. she put it in a better way tho haha.

have to take physics next year mann T-T help!
i hate physics. but i cant handle pure science
elect history~~ eggcited but scared haa. 
poa. the textbook costs a bomb man. and just on top of it in the book list was the ss book which costs 4 bucks . the poa tb coses like 29.smth. like 30 friggin bucks.  haahahhaahhaha

okok should get off now right. haha i dont wanna miss 11:11. it probably doesn't work but no harm trying right? 

boo ): have to go school earlier (8.40AM) to meet eric to take key with him.. 

haha got the michelle boo influence. 

michelle ong i mean.

CLASS CHALET CLASS CHALET CLASS CHALET CLASS CHALET~~ :)))))))))) < thats a fat person smiley. see the no. of chins he has? 

ugh my dad gave me $150 for 3 weeks 
that's 50 bucks per week, pretty much considering how during school my allowance is 40, right? WRONG. shop here shop there . bugis that day 60 bucks fly bye bye already): then buy more things, go watch movie, go www, go eat lunch, go eat dinner, go buy cake, go buy things, to pay for present, go top up ezlink. now I'm left with .. $20. for until like 12/13 nov. siao. thats $10 per week. cant survive. K IM NOT FREE THIS WEEK ANYWAY. 
tmr got the performance practice thingy, then friday got chinese again. mannnnn, thursday i think im gonna lock myself at home and uhm..... hopefully study?  .. i think im gonna try out making the cake. haha shall get mummy to help. i think she loves making steamed cakes. there was a period of time where i survived eating steamed white nian gao for 3 weeks. exaggeration but it was for ALL THREE MEALS MAN. then anyway, no plans next week yet. i probably only have enough for lunch one fine day, BUT, shall resist! cause i must prove that i wont spend all my money (even though technically the bigger problem is that i spend like nobody's business then starve myself when i have no money left).


i love blogging man. i ramble and ramble like nobody's business. well, it is nobody's business. and no one even reads my blog anyways ~ hahah

STEAMED BANANA CAKE AND CLASS CHALET. haha might even make the cake for brenda they all or smth :)


♥our lips must always be sealed
9:58 PM

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So erm. 
yupp! shoppin tmr @ bugis~~ 

Hmm been thinking of him a lot today. 
Then I realised I might just well maybe like probably be "in love with the idea of being in love". Geddit? Like I don't actually still like him, I just enjoy the feeling of liking him maybe? Don't know . Maybe. Probably. Possibly. But anyway I'm gonna stop being pathetic and stop always going to him when I'm sad and blah blah blah..


Why are things so expensive seriously. 
Just like three dresses would be $120 already. And its those cotton on type somemore. 
Haha that day when I was window shopping with my mum , I realised that those nice nice dresses that people wear to like weddings and proms and grad nights, cost a bomb. 
Like I could buy like 5 pair of shoes with that money.

Which brings me back to .. I can't stand my mum man -.- But I have to live with it huh.

AIYA GRAD NIGHT. Why did I remind myself of it.

Haha continued reading 1984. Should be llike a NC16 book or smth. LOL . No they don't describe the sex scenes but there are sex scenes. 
Haha finally understand my favourite song now i guess.

Why do people put on make up huh..
I don't know.
I do it when I feel vain ;) It just makes me feel better I guess. Like more confident and blah blah blah. 

Whoppity shoppin tmr :) said that already but WHOPPITY.

Art huh. Starting to feel scared.
What if I don't do well?
What if the interest isn't enough to pull me through?
What if I lose interest?
Everyone else will be better than me. I'll be the loser.
Dreams will always stay dreams.
Like how many people actually got to do the job they wanted to do when they were younger?
What shit man. Trying to take art when I can't even draw. 

Well,. Then again what's done is done. Just have to hope huh.


♥our lips must always be sealed
11:26 PM